Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yippee Kai Yay (read my lips), Motherf*cker!

Flipping channels late at night, after the Masterpiece Theatre Foyle's War repeat on public t.v., what do I come across but the Fifth Baddest Film Baddie Ever!!!

It was Alan Rickman's impeccably dressed, tidily bearded and completely swoon-worthy Hans Gruber in Die Hard. 

'cept it was on A&E so all of the bad words just weren't spoken.
Characters' mouths moved but nothing came out!
...made the memorable line spoken by Bruce Willis' John McClane early in the film and Rickman's Gruber at the end "Yi Pee Kai Yay, MotherF*cker!" (sans F*cker) just a little bit lame.  

Thankfully, there's You Tube 

& I'm not sure if I imagined it or they missed a "f*ck!" spoken by McClane late in the film.  Considering every other word said in that film seemed to have "f*ck" as at least part of it, it's a wonder they only missed one.  Hee!

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