Thursday, November 13, 2008

NOT confiscated by Customs after all...

So I finally had to know and e-mailed James May's agent, a very nice lady named Fiona, who e-mailed back and said that yes indeed the Catnip Wrench (insert copywright symbol here) made it to England and has been handed off to Mr. May for his cat, Fusker.  

...I know he's incredibly busy and gets tons of fan mail he can't possibly answer, but I would be over the moon if I had a picture of him with Fusker and his wrench.


ADR said...

*haha* That's so cute! I'll bet Fusker grooves on it in a big way. It doesn't seem like too much trouble to respond to people who send you gifts they've obviously put a bit of thought into... but I'm not a celebrity (thank the gods), so maybe I just don't know how that sort of thing is handled. Still a snap of kitty and wrench would be beyond awesome.

glassmeow said...

Oh, but I want James in that picture too!

ADR said...

*heehee* Oh, no surprise there.