Sunday, December 21, 2008

The proper attitude to take in these situations...


Barbara Bruederlin said...

There is absolutely no arguing with a cat these days! They just know.

glassmeow said...

I really want to toss his butt out in the snow but he would never forgive me. He's so fat he'd high center.

Actually, it doesn't even matter that he's fat at this point - we've got nearly a foot on the ground. More where it blew into drifts. Plus I went out and shoveled last night and made piles. Big help that was - we got more overnight and it is snowing now.

Highly unusual for Portland - I know, routine Winter for Calgary.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It really isn't all that routine for Calgary either. We don't usually get a lot of snow, being a semi-desert. Course that's all changed this year.

Stay warm!